Monday, October 27, 2008

Obama/Biden '08!!! We're in the final stretch!!!!!!!!

No rest for the weary! My man, Senator Barack Obama, and his running mate, Sen. Joe Biden, are counting down the days (along with the rest of the country) to November 4, 2008. A history making election will finally be coming to an end...and according to nearly all the polls, I think my candidate of choice will be the WINNER! I'm not counting my chickens before they hatch, but it is fair to say that we are thus far, in a good position. We have to just keep on doing what we're doing. I must say how incredibly proud I am of Barack Obama and his family. They are both true role models and seem to be the leaders we need to take our country in a more positive direction. I am also very pleased with Sen. Obama's choice for VP, Joe Biden. It feels good to have a team (Obama/Biden) that are in sync, knowledgeable, and a solid foundation for our governing bodies. That is something that frankly cannot be said about the Republican candidates. In honor of the final week of this campaign period, I will be blogging everyday about this moment in our American history. I want my daughter to be able to look back at these times and be able to know that her mom was right in the thick of things! There are a lot of horrible things being thrown at Obama, horrible personal attacks from the McCain campaign and today, an assassination attempt/discussion by a skinhead neo-Nazi group. This is just the tip of the iceberg, I'm afraid. It is not going to be an easy thing for Obama to run this campaign and to hopefully win and carry that privilege and at times burden of being our nation's first black president. It is a huge task, but I know that he is up for the challenge. I will be blogging on all these issues and doing my part to ensure that Obama/Biden becomes the winning ticket next week! I'm fired up!!!

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