Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fantastic Plastic...NOT!!

Plastic is everywhere. When you have kids, it is LITERALLY everywhere! Baby bottles, breastmilk storage, sippy cups, plastic spoons, straws, dishes, you name it. If it is for our children, it is usually plastic. Its lightweight, durable, and portable. The problem? Its causing cancer and fertility problems, just to name a few. The risks of certain plastics have been reported in several reputable forms of media and has caused a bit of a scare amongst concerned parents who have barely gotten over the "lead paint from China" scare. I want to help all parents as well as those of you who are not parents, but still need to be informed. I mean after all, everyone uses plastic in our daily lives. I mean, how many lean cuisines have I eaten this past year??? Use a water bottle during your workouts? How about sipping on bottled water while out and about? Plastic is a major part of our everyday lives. We need to be aware of the risks and dangers of all substances than can be harmful to us and our loved ones.

Here's the deal with plastic as I've discovered as of late. First of all, not ALL plastic is bad. Just certain ones. Most plastic is assigned a number that ranks the type of plastic it is. The numbers range from 1-7. Basically, numbers 1,2,4, and 5 are safe. However, numbers 3,6, and 7 are said to be harmful. You can locate this number on the bottom of the item, sometimes in the middle of a triangle. The main harmful chemicals that we are to be aware of is Bisphenol-A (BPA) and Phthalate. Many items are now created with a BPA-Free label on them to ensure safety to consumers. Keep your eyes peeled for it. BPA is a chemical found in polycarbonate plastic. This has been a favorable plastic because it does not crack or shatter, can be cleaned with very hot water, sterilizes easily, does not absorb odor and is an extremely safe alternative to glass. It is used in many common household products including many of the more fancy baby bottles. Phthalates are used to make plastic more flexible and are also very common. Alternatively, plastic made from polyethylene and polypropylene are deemed as safe.

I looked at all of my daughter's sippy cups, plates, and bowls and had to toss a couple of them. Another key thing here is that heating the plastic (even those deemed as safe) is not recommended. Supposedly heating can release toxins from the plastic into the food/drink and thus into our systems. So, no microwaving in those plastic bowls! Also, do not put your plasticware in the dishwasher. I have been guilty of ALL of these things. Instead, transfer the item to a glass container for heating and handwash your items with warm soapy water opposed to putting them in the steaming hot dishwashing machine.

The take away? Avoid plastic whenever possible. Whenver you must use plastic, be sure that it is a "safe" plastic - polypropylene or polyethylene. Also, be sure to never heat these plastics, never put them in the dishwasher, and never eat or drink anything that has been left in the hot car in a plastic container. Avoid polycarbonate plastics and any plastics numbered 3,6, or 7. What do you do if you can't find a number on the bottom of the container? Toss it. It's not worth you or your child's safety.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ewww, I'll be sure not to buy LiLi any of that stuff.