Tuesday, July 15, 2008

You gotta fight...for your right...to potty!

Today is the day. Aliyah peed in the potty!!!!!!! Twice today she did it when I sat her on the potty. Oh joy! Oh sweet jubilation! I'm so excited. Now, I'm not having false expectaions...as if she is going to do this constantly. She is only 16mos. so I do consider this to be a HUGE accomplishment! I bought her a potty about two weeks ago because she seemed to show interest in such things...she is very good at copying people. So, I got the potty and sat her there and she thought it was just great. PRETENDING was great. Not the real deal. She would sit and flush and wipe...no pee pee. She didn't want to sit long enough to try. So, two weeks of trying and today....she did it. Grant it I HAD given her a cup of milk to sip on while we waited, but it only took her about 60 seconds to tinkle. When I showed her what she did, she looked at it and said, "WOW!" So, we rejoiced and sang and danced and called everyone. My poor husband had to tell people in a meeting why I interupted and was singing on the phone. Oooops. Well, I just couldn't help it. I was so excited for this milestone. Now, obviously she is not really potty trained. I mean, she doesn't even really tell me when she has to go. However, I feel very good about her being so young and taking this step. So...here's to the potty. Maybe there is some glimmer of hope that I won't be changing diapers too much longer...at least until the next baby comes! Congratulations Aliyah!


Just Me said...

Yeahhhhh! Congrats and welcome to the creative world of blogging! I am so excited you are on! And look at Li Li! She is getting so grown! Whooopeee, keep up with putting her on the potty. She will get used to it and you will have you a potty-goer! Sending you much love! - ats

Anonymous said...

Yay, Li-Li!!! She is such a little diva, Jess. Mommy and daddy must be proud :)

Unknown said...

Lol @ my tanka standing by her potty in my outfit! I'm proud of her. She is so advanced, gosh she takes after me! haha Love you guys!