Tuesday, July 15, 2008


There is nothing like a major publication in the world of journalism printing a cover that can only be categorized as streotypical and some might even call it racist to get my blood boiling- all in the name of satire. Are you kidding me? In a "post 9-11" America, do the editors of the New Yorker magazine really believe that it would be taken as tongue in cheek to print a caricuture of our first and only African-American presidential candidate and his wife (a mother of two children) as muslim terrorists burining an American flag with a picture of Osama Bin Laden on the wall??? This is preying on the greatest fear Americans have right now...and in stead of poking fun at the ridiculous rumors swirling about Obama, it is only fueling those false rumors about Senator Obama. Yes, I contemplated re-printing that horrible and offensive graphic on the cover of the magazine. I decided that I wanted to show how powerful and strong these images are. They will now be in the history of the Senator's campaign forever. I can only hope that it will be a tool used for teaching and raising awareness about the continued existence of prejudice. Regardless of the magazine's claim that this cover was intended to be satirical, it will hurt Obama. There are people in our country who will use this to confirm their fear that he is a Muslima and his wife is a terrorist. I've never heard anything more ridiculous. I hope we get to the point in this country where candidates can debate over their differences in issues. Let's talk about what plans these candidates have to help heal our country when they get into the white house. I mean, stop with the scare tactics and let's get to the issues!

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