Friday, January 16, 2009


Guess what? My little girl is obsessed with the Disney movie cars. It is too funny. The television was on the Disney channel one day and a five minute movie break with the Cars characters were on it. Those five little minutes had my daughter hooked. I didn't even know she was paying attention to the T.V. which was just sort of on in the background. Turns out she thinks talking cars are hilarious. I guess that WOULD be funny. A child being somewhat familiar with vehicles to then see them talking and doing funny things would be a funny sight. Well, my dad went right out and rented the actual movie for her and she has been hoooked every since. Grant it, she only gets about 30 minutes into it before her short attention span starts to dwindle. But, hey, she's only 22 months old! It is the one thing she REALLY really watches. I mean, she runs to the couch, pulls up a blanket and WATCHES with her undivided attention. Normally, she kind of watches things while running around and playing with other things or dancing and singing along, with a few minor exceptions here and there. I mean, she will watch Barney, Super Why, Sesame Street, and Mickey Mouse Club. Those are her shows, but like I said, she rarely gives them her undivided attention. But, when I need her to really sit down so I can get something else down for a few minutes, I can count on Cars to help me out. I cannot believe my tea party loving, make-up adoring, princess dress wearing little girl loves the movie Cars! I think it is great. So does my husband who is sick of watching Barney (nobody's favorite, except Aliyah's).